Snow Globe

Article 80914, 80869

Create a frosty snow globe scene

Party Penguins Art. 80914 Col. 1

Snow Globe Art. 80869* Col. 2

Whilst every effort has been made to simulate colours, these are as close as the screen resolution allows.

A dreamy collection of arctic penguins and polar bears create a frosty scene straight out of a snow globe. Blue and white tones create the perfect scene for snowy Christmas décor and gift wrapping.

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Art. 80914
WIDTH: 25mm
REELS: 20m

Art. 80869*
WIDTH: 25mm
REELS: 20m

100% Polyester



*Woven in the UK using recycled yarns

Party Penguins Art. 80914 Col. 1

Snow Globe Art. 80869* Col. 2

Whilst every effort has been made to simulate colours, these are as close as the screen resolution allows.

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